Monday, January 05, 2009

Happy New Year

I hope that Christmas was good for you, although, strictly speaking, it is not over until tomorrow! I still like the idea of the 12 days of Christmas.  Sources on the Internet, however, don't seem to be able to agree on which are the twelve days.  Some see today as the twelfth day; others tomorrow.  

The Oxford English Dictionary makes tonight twelfth night and tomorrow the twelfth day. In liturgical terms, of course, the day begins the evening before - if you see what I mean. Rather like the Jewish sabbath, which begins on the Friday evening and ends on the Saturday evening! If you count, however, from December 25, you will see that this gives 13 days.  The explanation being that the twelve days of Christmas are the days following Christmas Day itself!

So enjoy what is left of Christmas while you can before it is over for another year!

This year marks the 5ooth anniversary of Calvin's birth.  I expect to be blogging about Calvin during the year so I won't say too much more now. Calvin inspires strong emotions both for and against. People are quick to take sides, less quick to bother to read what Calvin actually says.  Princeton Theological Seminary has come up with a brilliant idea for 2009 and that is to read through the Institutes, Calvin's greatest work, over the course of the year. Through their website, they give a daily reading with resources to support it. 

This is the link: 

Highly recommended!

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